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Copyright © 1988-2012 Scott Medlock. All rights reserved.

2009 AT&T Pebble Beach Artist

Scott Medlock was selected to create the official artwork for the 2009 AT&T Pebble Beach Tournament program. See the 2009 AT&T Pebble Beach Collector Series artwork edition.

Tiger Woods makes another dramatic win at the 2008 U.S. Open at Torrey Pines.  Artist Scott Medlock was on hand to capture Tiger’s glorious achievement for the United States Golf Association.

2008 U.S. Open at Torrey Pines

Capturing the Moment at The PLAYERS  Championship at TPC Sawgrass, Scott Medlock paints the 17th tee for champion, Steven Ames.




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scott medlock studios

TV • Print • Radio 

Best known for his brilliantly colored, stunningly energetic paintings of Sporting Events and Celebrities, Scott Medlock is a master of capturing a moment in time.

TV • Print • Radio 

2009 TPC Boston

Deutsche Bank

Par Excellence—the official artwork for the Deutsche Bank 2009 TPC by  Scott Medlock

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